Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Today was just one of those days. When the alarm goes off and you realize.... I'm freezing cold, whats going on here!??! I live in SOUTHERN California, not Idaho. So after setting, and resetting your alarm for later times you drag yourself out of bed. And realize you have the one sock blues.... Where you KNOW you went to bed with two socks on.... but now you can't find your left one to save your life. so you halfheartedly search, but to no avail. And then it turns into trying to keep yourself moving and motivated. You clean your room, do your daily scripture study, say your prayers, and go to eat. But you're not really paying attention to any of it. You're just going through the motions of life not caring what you do or what happens. Until you get in your car to go to work and all of the sudden something inside of you just SNAPS awake. And you look at the beauty around you, and you just feel SO alive. SO happy to be breathing and moving.

This past weekend was General Conference, and sadly I had work Saturday so I missed that session....But no worries Im making it up one by one. But Sunday, was amazing! Its so cool to be able to wake up, go down stairs, turn on your tv and listen to a Prophet of God. My favorite talk probably was President Thomas S. Monson's talk on service and charity.... It really struck me personally that even though I do my best to serve others and have charity I can do SO much more! So I went to to re watch this talk and they have the American Sign Language translation up, how COOL is that!?!? Here's the link for it...

So I've made this CRAZY DECISION to learn how to roller blade/skate. So i went to the thrift store today and got a pair of roller blades AND a pair of roller skates for a GRAND total of...................$8.05. How cool is that???

Anyways life is good, I'm just staying SUPER busy. And trying to prepare for the upcoming changes in life. But it'll all be ok cause everything happens for a reason and all I can do is trust and take life one step at a time. :)


  1. such a smart cookie u are! Yes, I now speak like yoda! haha! Loves and hugs, and we will have to have lots of fun moments in a grand total of four weeks when I come into your life-yay for u! Be happy, and know how loved u are...u are such a special young woman of our heavenly father, u have such a capacity for good and power of positive influence, just remember with that, u will be tested because u are a major threat of awesomeness to the dark side...why all of the star wars analogies???-i don't know, but I do know I love u and am sooo glad that u are my little big sister! mwa. mwa, and a thousand times mwa!

  2. Well I hope you are doing well! I've missed you, being stuck up here in Pamona. NOT fun. I hope I don't get sick... because if I do it'll take a lot longer to recover and I'll probably have to delay my mission a week or two. But I got a blessing from Ken and the missionaries today (I was feeling absolutly miserable) and I should be alright. Everything happens for a reason.

    Well, have a great day/night!

